Historical Basis Data

Use this tool to download historical and current basis information. You can select the date range and regions for which to download the data. A number of suggested themes (combination of data items) are available. These suggested themes assemble data items that are most commonly viewed together and that help characterize particular market information.

You can add or remove specific information using the Custom Theme option. To create a custom theme, select the Custom Theme checkbox; a Variables selection box will appear. In the Variables selection box, scroll down and select the variables that you would like to download. Then, click the Download button. To save your custom theme, enter a name in the Theme Name text box and click the green plus (+) button. If you access this tool in the future from the same browser and computer/mobile device, you will be able to quickly select the saved download theme by selecting it from the themes dropdown menu.

(( date_range_error ))

Select the collection of data items to download. Click here to view information about data items in each available theme.

Check checkbox to customize the data items to download.

(( message ))
(( message ))

For more information about these measures and their uses, please see the What is basis? page.