The following items will be included in the downloaded data for the specified date range and selected regions. For detailed information about the meaning and interpretation of specific data items, please visit the What is basis? section.
Nearby HRW Basis: nearby basis, KCBT nearby futures, and regional spot price bids for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Nearby DNS Basis: nearby basis, MGEX nearby futures, and regional spot price bids for dark northern spring wheat with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Harvest HRW Basis: harvest period (July) basis, July KCBT nearby futures, and regional spot price bids for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Harvest DNS Basis: harvest period (September) basis, September MGEX nearby futures, and regional spot price bids for dark northern spring wheat with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Historical Nearby HRW: for each date, nearby basis, average nearby basis over the preceding week, and average nearby basis in the past three years for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Historical Nearby DNS: for each date, nearby basis, average nearby basis over the preceding week, and average nearby basis in the past three years for dark northern spring wheat with with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Historical Harvest HRW: for each date, harvest period (July) basis, average harvest basis over the preceding week, and average harvest basis in the past three years for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Historical Harvest DNS: for each date, harvest period (September) basis, average harvest basis over the preceding week, and average harvest basis in the past three years for dark northern spring wheat with with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Volatility Nearby HRW: for each date, nearby basis, seven-day nearby basis volatility, one-month nearby basis volatility, six-months nearby basis volatility, and twelve-months nearby basis volatility for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Volatility Nearvy DNS: for each date, nearby basis, seven-day nearby basis volatility, one-month nearby basis volatility, six-months nearby basis volatility, and twelve-months nearby basis volatility for dark northern spring wheat with with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Volatility Harvest HRW: for each date, harvest (July) basis, seven-day harvest basis volatility, one-month harvest basis volatility, six-months harvest basis volatility, and twelve-months harvest basis volatility for hard red winter wheat with ordinary, 11%, 12%, and 13% protein content levels.
Volatility Harvest DNS: for each date, harvest (September) basis, seven-day harvest basis volatility, one-month harvest basis volatility, six-months harvest basis volatility, and twelve-months harvest basis volatility for dark northern spring wheat with with 13%, 14%, and 15% protein content levels.
Futures Markets: KCBT hard red winter wheat nearby and harvest futures prices, MGEX spring wheat nearby and futures prices, spread between nearby MGEX-KCBT futures prices, spread between September MGEX and July KCBT futures prices.
All HRW: all data items associated with hard red winter wheat.
All DNS: all data items associated with dark northern spring wheat.
All Items: all items in the database.