Change in Net Revenue per Acre from Fungicide Application
Change in Net Revenue ($/Acre)
Change in revenue from fungicide application, net of costs for fungicide and its application, as well as drive down.
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Fungicide Application Cost
Total cost of purchasing the fungicide and applying it. ($/Acre)
Drive Down
Bushels of wheat lost due to wheel tracks during fungicide application. See table below. (Bushels/Acre)
Yield Gain
Average gain in yield from application of fungicide. (Bushels/Acre)
Drive Down Guidelines
Bushels of crop lost due to sprayer wheel tracks; your drive down may differ based on tire width and other factors.
Sprayer Type | Average Drive Down |
40 ft Sprayer | 4.2 Bushels/Acre |
60 ft Sprayer | 3.4 Bushels/Acre |
80 ft Sprayer | 2.6 Bushels/Acre |
100 ft Sprayer | 1.8 Bushels/Acre |
120 ft Sprayer | 1.0 Bushels/Acre |
Air Application | 0.0 Bushels/Acre |