Please enter your costs for one representative production year and one representative fallow year. Sample cost of production information for wheat production is available from Idaho and North Dakota.
Cost per Acre for Annual Production in Recharge Area
Production | Fallow | |
Seed costs: | ||
Fertilizer costs: | ||
Pesticide and Chemical costs: | ||
Irrigation costs: | ||
Total cost per year paid to others for custom work including fertilizer application, seeding, cutting, hauling, etc. If you have your hay harvested on shares, adjust your production information using the “Enter Share Information” button above. Custom costs: | ||
Labor costs: | ||
Estimated annual cost of operation, maintenance, repairs, and depreciation of machinery in this production system. Machine costs: | ||
Other costs: | ||
Total Costs: |
Please enter your expected costs for hay establishment (other than the cost to identify the recharge area) in the 'establishment year' column. Enter your expected revenue and costs for production years in the 'production years' column. If you plan to have the hay harvested on a share basis, adjust your numbers so they reflect only your own cost. Click here to calculate your expected revenue based on your share.
Some sample cost of production information for hay establishment and production is available from Idaho. Note that these are studies for irrigated hay; no current dryland alfalfa studies are available from Idaho or other states adjacent to Montana.
Cost per Acre for Hay Production in Recharge Area
Establishment | Production | |
Seed costs: | ||
Fertilizer costs: | ||
Pesticide and Chemical costs: | ||
Irrigation costs: | ||
Total cost per year paid to others for custom work including fertilizer application, seeding, cutting, hauling, etc. Custom costs: | ||
Labor costs: | ||
Estimated annual cost of operation, maintenance, repairs, and depreciation of machinery in this production system. Machine costs: | ||
Other costs: | ||
Total Costs: |
Net Revenue Comparison for Annual and Perennial Production in Recharge Area
Acres to be replanted in recharge area:
Cost to identify recharge area: Montana Salinity Control Association can help to identify the recharge area and can provide information on assistance for reclaiming seep areas. If you already know where the recharge area is, move slider to zero.
Average yield for annual: For estimates of average yield, see NASS Quickstats
Average yield for perennial: For estimates of average yield, see NASS Quickstats
Average price for annual: For estimates of average price, see AMS Source
Average price for perennial: For estimates of average price, see AMS Source
Discount rate: The discount rate represents the "time value of money," and reflects that if given the choice, most people would prefer to receive $1 today than $1 at some point in the future. A 0% discount rate reflects that a person does not care whether they receive the dollar today or in a year. The default discount rate value of 3% reflects a person who is indifferent between $0.97 today and $1.00 one year from now.
Net Present Value ($) Uses discount rate to adjust income in future years to present value.
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Years | ||||||||||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Net Present Value | Yearly Average | |||
Annual: | → | Assuming a two-year rotation. | ||||||||
Perennial: | → | Assuming one establishment year and then production for remainder of term. |
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